Please prepare your full-text paper according to the template of IEEE Template A4 (Link to IEEE Templates). A minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages of paper are allowed.
Each paper submitted to ICITACEE 2024 will be blind-reviewed by experts in respected fields. Authors of the accepted paper must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper. All papers accepted and presented in ICITACEE 2024 will be forwarded for consideration to be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Papers from the 1st ICITACEE until the 10th ICITACEE have been consistently published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in Scopus:
The 1st ICITACEE (2014): Proceed to the Link
The 2nd ICITACEE (2015): Proceed to the Link
The 3rd ICITACEE (2016): Proceed to the Link
The 4th ICITACEE (2017): Proceed to the Link
The 5th ICITACEE (2018): Proceed to the Link
The 6th ICITACEE (2019): Proceed to the Link
The 7th ICITACEE (2020): Proceed to the Link
The 8th ICITACEE (2021): Proceed to the Link
The 9th ICITACEE (2022): Proceed to the Link
The 10th ICITACEE (2023): Proceed to the Link
Full List of ICITACEE in IEEE Xplore: Proceed to the Link
Media Type | Part Number | ISBN |
XPLORE COMPLIANT | CFP2489Z-ART | 979-8-3503-8930-2 |
USB | CFP2489Z-USB | 979-8-3503-8929-6 |
This is the link to make a submission to EDAS
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1. Please go to
2. Enter the following conference ID: 62763X
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4. Follow the steps to complete the PDF verification process.